So as you may know I am participating in Send Something Good run by Gentri, Kaitlyn & Kristy.
We have been assigned our secret blogger (and I am totally excited about who I got!)
To help my secret pal (and the other participants... I can't wait to find out who else is participating!) get to know me a little better I am posting up some interesting facts about me (although you will find a delightful list in my about me page)
I don't have my ears pierced - weird one to start off with ... but I was stalking my secret blogger friend to try and work out if they did... seriously, I looked at all their pictures. .. I'm still not sure!
I love yellow & coral... and most things bright & colourful
I am a geeky designer creative type
I love typography & quirky illustrations
I love stationary & packages
I love animals. My favourites are dogs, owls & ducks
I get offended when people refer to knitting as a grandma's hobby... I like knitting and filled a 2.5 meter free standing 'room' with knitting for an art exhibition.
My most favourite movies are: Amelie & The Emperor's New Groove
Although I'm not really a girly girl & don't wear it a lot or have a lot, I love make up, nail polish & jewellery
I love cooking and cook something new almost every night. I don't remember the last time we ate something twice ....! That shows how much I hate routine! PS. I'm a vegetarian.
Hope that has helped you get to know me a little bit better :)
I'm sure if you read through my posts, or look on my pinterest you will find out more about me.
Let your secret package pal know what you like, don't like, or just simply get to know you!