Monday, June 4, 2012

DIY Bow Tie

I'm not too sure how to present this 30 Days of Creativity thing.... 
I don't make something worth sharing a tutorial on every day, and I don't always get around to sharing the thing I do/make on the day I do it.... so it gets very messy.

I've decided that if you want to follow along on my 30 Days of Creativity journey and check out what I make every single day, you can head over to my pinterest board and do it that way. I will also be posting them on Intsagram no doubt, so make sure you follow along there!

For today (Day 4) I made a simple bow tie. I have made a few of these now, I needed some for a photo shoot I was styling up and am loving how simple they are!

The fabric I have used for all of the bow ties I have made is from a set of cheap tea towels. They hold their shape well and provide enough bulk to create a nice full bow. If you don't have thickish fabric, you should probably get some iron on interfacing.

So - that's the skinny on how you make the actual bow. As for the strap/fixture, there are a few options:

1. You can sew a strap using the same technique (folding the two edges in) and then add on these little doobies.  
This allows for an adjustable strap.

2. This little clip means you don't need a strap - it just clips onto the bow and then onto a shirt collar.

3. Or you, failing these options you can simply pin it to your collar!

4. If you want an adjustable strap you could use some velcro

5. Or just pin the bow to some elastic!