Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3 Aussie films & a fiesta.

Is it just me or are Australian films making a comeback?!
I'm starting to love Australian films almost as much as French films.. and that's saying a lot!

I just watched Summer Coda and loved it!

Pair that with Tomorrow When the War Began and The Black Balloon (another two of my favs) and you have some pretty amazing watching.  And the thing I like about Aussie films is that they are so real, about real issues (well perhaps not Tomorrow but who in Australia didn't grow up reading those books?!). And the cinematography is top notch along with killer soundtracks and amazing Australian actors. What's not to love?!

Anyway.. Yesterday Mr Peck threw me a fiesta complete with piƱata and pin the tail on the donkey and a icecream cake! I felt like a little kid again.. so much fun! Here are some highlights!

Today he had one last surprise for me (I can't believe how much he's spoiling me lately!!) and that is a 2 hour shopping trip with a stylist! Pretty exciting!! Because if you know me, you'll know that I'm not very stylish and I wish I was... so hopefully this will help me! Yay!!

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