Friday, March 14, 2014

Make it: From Sketch to Softie!

I've been having so much fun creating and experimenting lately! I've been immersing myself in colour, tinkering with all sorts of ideas that wildly pop into my mind at inappropriate hours, getting lost in inspiration, and above all - just doing it!

Although I haven't been updating my blog that often, I am quite active on instagram and if you want to check out what I'm up to day to day you should check that out.

One of the projects I'm most excited by has been my Softies. A few weeks back I was bored and a little discouraged at not getting anywhere with some of the ideas I had floating around in my head... So after snapping myself out of my pinterest induced slumber, I turned off the computer and started sketching with a clear idea in mind of what I wanted to create.

Enter Momo (yup, definitely named after the Avatar Momo)...
It started with a rough sketch on paper which I then took to Illustrator, created a pattern then stitched up this little cutie.  I posted some pics on instagram and Facebook and then one of my friends commissioned another, which I created using the same process.


I'm loving making these little guys so much! I'm going to work on making up some more prototypes and maybe even make up some kits so you guys can make them too. These are probably the favoruite things I have made in ages!! Is there something you guys are enjoying making at the moment?

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