Friday, June 10, 2011

Fill in the Blanks

1. This weekend I'm catching up on sleep, going shopping with my bro, editing photos  and sleeping

2. My last vacation was ... this is hard because we often go on little trips all over the place. Our last official, overseas holiday was our honeymoon to NZ in 09. Since then we have been to QLD, TAS, VIC and multiple places around NSW.

3. My next vacation will be on the 22nd to the US of A! Excitement!!

4. My favorite way to relax is read a book, knit, watch a movie, do nothing! Like literally stare into space nothing hehe

5. When vacationing one should always take a book and have days where nothing is planned and have money to waste.

6. When vacationing one should never complain, take work, worry about money.

7. The best part about a vacation is escaping and not worrying about anything. Also, exploring and spending special time with Mr Peck and doing things we wouldn't normally.

Stay tuned for yesterday & today's creation!

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