Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm baaaack


I am finally back! 3 out of 7 assignments are done and dusted and I now have a little bit of down time before the next lot are due... but I still have work to do so regular posts are still off for the moment as I'm not sure how much spare time I will find to post.

I am having a Monday moment and look very similar to this -

Current mood: Grumpy
Current temperature: warm, with cold feet
Current state of stomach: empty
Current face: smudged with mascara from last night
Reason: I know, I know - it's really bad to sleep with your makeup on but in my defense I kinda forgot I was wearing any aaand I fell into bed last night already asleep (well, almost)
Current thoughts: I have to do a lot today.. I wish I had more followers, am I not interesting enough? How do I get more followers? Argh screw it. I have so much to do today. 
Current occupation: Wasting time, thinking about how much I have to do today.
Current annoyance: I am waiting for boots to arrive which I ordered from Windsor & Smith. I ordered them 2 weeks ago. I can't wait any longer!! Just get here already! They look like this -

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